Tag Archives: old friends

Come A Long Way

It’s a beautiful Saturday.  I already spent some quality time on my bike with a couple of friends and now I’m taking a break from getting some house chores done.  I’m looking forward to hanging out with some more great friends tonight over some food and beer.  Life is good.

It wasn’t always and last night I was reminded of how far I have come over the last four years.  I ran into an old friend that I had not seen in about that long and I was in a pretty bad place at that time of my life.  I was pretty depressed and did not who I really was anymore.  Life has drastically changed for the better since then.  My friend saw me and told me just how great and happy I looked.  I could see in his eyes that he saw me as a different person than he had seen before.  A truly happy person.

I still have my battles on occasion with anxiety but overall I couldn’t be happier.  Life is good.  Yes it really is.